What is contextual advertising and how does it help startups compete with big brands?

📖 September 19, 2024 | 👁 33

Reading time: 87 min. 26 sec.

Contextual advertising is one of the most effective Internet marketing tools, allowing companies to target potential customers. Unlike traditional advertising methods, contextual advertising is focused on specific user interests, ensuring high targeting accuracy and a significant increase in conversions. In this article, we have looked in detail at what contextual advertising is, its key benefits and principles of operation, and how to use it effectively to achieve business goals.


What is contextual advertising?

Contextual advertising is a type of online advertising that is shown to users based on their interests and what they are looking for at the moment. The basic principle of such advertising is to show adverts to people who are already interested in a particular topic or product. This allows advertisers to reach their target audience more effectively.

Contextual advertising in the Google search engine: examples of ads and search results for the query "order contextual advertising"

Contextual advertising is widely used on search engines such as Google. For example, imagine you want to buy trainers and you enter the query “buy sneakers” into the search box.

Advertising offers for sneakers in Google for the query "buy sneakers"

Along with the normal search results, you will see several adverts that offer to buy trainers from various online shops. These adverts are usually displayed above or next to the main search results and are labelled as “adverts”.

Contextual adverts may also be shown on various sites that partner with advertising networks such as Google. These sites may include news portals, blogs, forums, and other popular resources. For example, if you read an article on a news site that has Google Ads ad units installed, you may see adverts for products or services that are related to your recent queries or interests. These ad units are on Google’s network of partner sites called the Google Display Network (GDN). This network covers a wide range of web resources, which allows advertisers to reach a large audience.

Advertisement for GoDaddy alongside an article titled "100 Business Ideas You Can Start Today"

Thus, contextual advertising works on the basis of analysing the interests and needs of users, which makes it an effective tool for attracting potential customers. It allows advertisers not just to show their ad, but to do so at the right time and in the right format, when the user is most receptive to information about the product or service.

Why contextual advertising?

Contextual advertising in Google: examples of ad listings

Contextual advertising is an important element of modern internet marketing. It allows businesses to effectively reach their target audience, increase sales and build brand awareness.

Here are a few key reasons why contextual advertising is necessary:

1. Stimulate sales through an online shop

Contextual advertising allows you to effectively increase sales through your online shop. Showing adverts to users who have already shown interest in your product significantly increases the likelihood of a purchase. For example, if a user searches for “buy a smartphone”, he will see adverts on this very topic, which will motivate him to make a purchase in your shop.

2. Increase the number of registrations on the site

Contextual advertising helps attract new users to your site by encouraging them to register. This is important for building a large database of potential customers. Site registrations open up opportunities for further marketing communications such as newsletters and special offers.

3. Increase traffic and promotion of the site

By launching contextual advertising, you can significantly increase website traffic. This is especially important for new web resources or those that seek to strengthen their position in search engines. The appearance of the site in the blocks of paid and free issue simultaneously increases its overall visibility and works for the brand as a whole. High traffic also builds brand awareness.

4. Solving different customer challenges

Contextual advertising provides flexibility to address a variety of client objectives. It can be testing marketing hypotheses, testing new products or services, or drawing attention to certain promotions or events. The main goal is to attract the user and encourage him to take action, whether it is ordering a product, registering on the site, subscribing to a newsletter or joining a group.

5. Testing marketing hypotheses

Contextual advertising is a great tool for testing marketing hypotheses. You can quickly and efficiently test how audiences respond to different offers, adverts and formats. This provides quick data to adjust strategy and optimise advertising campaigns.

6. Fast results

Unlike other types of marketing such as SEO, contextual advertising results are visible almost immediately after a campaign is launched. This is especially important for businesses that need to quickly attract customers and increase sales.

Want to see results in as little as 3 days? Let us launch your advertising campaign as soon as possible! Contact us and start attracting new customers now.

7. Increase brand awareness

Contextual advertising not only helps to attract new customers, but also helps to increase brand awareness. Getting your brand in front of users’ eyes on a regular basis increases their awareness about your products and services, which in the long run builds loyalty and repeat purchases.

Contextual ads help build brand trust as they are displayed in a relevant and safe context, reducing the risk of association with negative content.

How it happens?

Search engine adverts: When users enter queries related to your products or services, your advert appears at the top of the search results. This ensures that your brand is visible to users who are actively searching for information.

Banner Ads on Partner Sites: Your adverts can be displayed on various websites that partner with advertising networks such as Google Display Network. These can be news portals, blogs, forums and other popular resources. Users see your brand in the context of content of interest to them.

Video Ads: Short videos on YouTube or other video platforms can effectively draw attention to your brand and leave a lasting impression on users.

Tasks of contextual advertising

Key elements of contextual advertising: PPC, traffic, leads, conversions, and reducing customer acquisition cost

Contextual advertising fulfils several important tasks to achieve business goals and increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. In this section, we will look at the key objectives of contextual advertising and explain how they help attract traffic, increase conversions, improve brand awareness, reduce the cost of customer acquisition, increase lead quality, improve user experience, and more.

1. Attracting traffic

A stream of people heading towards a website, symbolizing traffic attraction

Attracting targeted traffic is the key goal of contextual advertising to increase the number of visitors to your website. This is achieved by showing adverts to those users who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Effective methods of attracting traffic not only increase the number of potential customers, but also improve the overall visibility and recognition of your brand. In this section, we will take a detailed look at the various targeting methods that help attract quality traffic to your website.

Contextual advertising affects search engine rankings. Not directly, but indirectly yes. After all, when ranking search engines take into account a number of factors: the average time spent on the site, bounce rate, the number of pages viewed by one user, etc. Therefore, if you attract targeted and interested visitors, their behaviour will be taken into account by search engines.

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Keyword Targeting

Advertising offers for smartphones in Google for the query "buy phone"

Keyword targeting is a method of showing adverts to users who type certain words or phrases into search engines. For example, if a user searches for “buy a phone”, shop adverts will be displayed in the search results. This method allows you to reach an audience already interested in specific products or services, which greatly increases the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Geographic targeting

Location settings of an advertising campaign indicating Kyiv and excluded regions

Geographic targeting allows you to show adverts to users from specific regions. This is especially useful for localised businesses that want to attract customers in specific geographical areas. For example, a cafe in Kiev can set up an advert to show only to residents of Kiev and nearby areas, which increases the relevance of the advert.

The application of geotargeting in Ukraine. According to Admixer, the use of geotargeting in contextual advertising in Ukraine increases CTR by 15%.


Audience segmentation settings based on website visitors from the last 30 days

Retargeting is a method of returning to the site of users who have already visited it. Retargeting can be used to remind users of products or services that they considered but did not buy. This increases the chances of completing a purchase and increases overall conversion rates.

Time targeting

Editing the ad display schedule in Google Ads

Time targeting allows you to show ads during the most active time slots for your target audience. For example, if your target audience is most active in the evening, you can set your adverts to be shown during this period. This helps increase the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Interest and behavioural targeting

Setting up an audience by interests in Google Ads with selected interest categories

Interest and behavioural targeting is based on the analysis of users’ interests and behaviour on the internet. This method allows you to show adverts to people who have shown interest in certain topics or products. For example, adverts for sporting goods will be shown to users who often read articles about fitness or watch workout videos.

2. Increase conversions

A magnet attracting people, symbolizing customer acquisition

Increasing conversions is a key goal of contextual advertising. A conversion occurs when a user performs a targeted action on your website, whether it’s a purchase, registration or filling out a form. Increasing conversions has a direct impact on the profitability of your advertising campaigns and the success of your business. However, it’s important to realise that not all conversions are equally valuable. In this section, we’ll look at how to differentiate between targeted and untargeted conversions, as well as methods to minimise ‘junk’ traffic.

“85% of marketers believe that using real-time user behaviour data helps to significantly improve the results of advertising campaigns.”HubSpot.

Targeted and untargeted conversions

Targeted conversions are actions that actually bring value to your business. For example, completed purchases, subscriptions to a service, or completed feedback forms.

Untargeted conversions are actions that don’t add real value. This could be junk traffic, random clicks, or low-quality leads that don’t bring in real customers.

The problems with “junk” traffic

Web traffic segmentation: bot traffic and real traffic on different paths

“Junk” traffic is one of the biggest problems for websites and advertising campaigns. This type of traffic brings no real benefit to the business without converting into sales or other targeted actions. It’s important to understand its sources and learn how to filter it so that your advertising budget is used effectively.

“Junk” traffic is traffic that does not lead to useful actions on the site. It can be caused by untargeted keywords, improper ad settings, or ineffective adverts. As a result, the advertiser receives conversions that do not lead to actual sales or contracts.

Example of rubbish traffic analysis

Case: Online electronics shop

1. Key phrases

2. Geographic Analysis

3. User behaviour

Landing page optimisation

Creating and testing different variations of landing pages helps increase their effectiveness. Landing pages should be simple, user-friendly, and contain clear calls to action to encourage users to take targeted actions. It is important to consider UX/UI design techniques to create attractive and functional pages.

UX/UI design techniques

Basic principles of UX/UI design: simplicity, calls to action, page load optimization, and responsive design

1. Simplicity and usability:

2. Clear calls to action (CTAs):

3. Optimise page load:

4. Adaptive Design:

Our studio uses advanced UX/UI design techniques to create effective landing pages. We offer lendings development for your business, taking into account all the nuances and current design trends. We think through every detail so that your pages not only look attractive, but are also user-friendly, helping you achieve better results than your competitors.

Ad personalisation

Using user behaviour data to create personalised ads makes ads more relevant and appealing to your audience. Personalised ads increase the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Use Calls to Action (CTAs)

Examples of calls to action (CTA): download, discounts, buy, download, log in, subscribe

Clear and eye-catching calls to action (CTAs) encourage users to take targeted actions such as buying, registering or filling out a form. A well-designed CTA can significantly increase conversion rates. It’s important to use a variety of engagement methods to make CTAs as effective as possible.

CTA (Call to Action) is an element on a web page that encourages a user to perform a specific targeted action. Examples of CTAs include buttons or links with text that ask the user to buy a product, register, download material, or fill out a form.

CTA Attraction Techniques

To make CTAs as effective as possible, you need to use a variety of techniques that grab the user’s attention and encourage them to take action.

1. Visual Highlighting

Car buyout in Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) with a call to fill out an application

Example: If your website has a calm pastel colour scheme, the “Buy Now” CTA button could be bright green or red to attract attention.

2. Attractive texts

Hands adorned with Swarovski jewelry holding a golden crystal, with a button to "Watch Swarovski" and price range from 1,974 to 60,000 UAH

Example: Instead of “Learn more about our products” use “SUBSCRIBE”.

3. Location on the page

Example of CTA placement on a page to attract user attention

Example: If you have a long article, place the CTA after each section so the user can easily find it without having to scroll to the end of the page.

4. Use graphics and icons

Book advertisement with the call "BUY IT NOW"

Example: Add a shopping cart icon next to the “Add to Cart” text or use a pulsating animation for the “Free Download” button.

Real-world application example

Imagine you have a website that sells books.Here’s how you can use techniques to draw attention to the CTA:

  1. Visual highlighting: The “To Cart” button is made bright orange to stand out against a white page.
  2. Attractive text: The text on the “Buy Now” button is short and clear.
  3. Location on the page: The button is placed at the top of the page next to the book description and repeated at the bottom of the page after the review and testimonials.
  4. Use of graphics and icons: A book icon is added next to the button, and the button itself has a light, eye-catching animation.

Amazon product page showing the book "Good Energy" by Casey Means MD, available in hardcover from $16.50, with options for Kindle and audiobook versions

Thus, clear and attention-grabbing calls to action (CTAs) can significantly increase conversion rates by encouraging users to take a targeted action.

A/B testing

A/B testing of advertisements with testing of different headlines, images, and CTAs

A/B testing involves comparing different elements of an advert to determine the most effective combinations. This can include testing headlines, text, images, and calls to action. Conducting A/B tests on a regular basis helps to continually improve the effectiveness of your adverts.

Elements tested

  1. Headlines: Testing different headlines helps determine which one attracts more attention and encourages users to take action.
  2. Ad texts: Comparing different texts helps you understand which messages are most effective and resonate with your target audience.
  3. Images: Testing different images allows you to select the ones that generate more interest and improve the clickability of your adverts.
  4. Calls to Action (CTAs): Testing different wording and styles of CTA buttons helps to determine which ones are better at prompting users to take targeted actions.

The importance of professional A/B testing

A/B testing should be conducted by experts to ensure the right conclusions. Contact our experts to get accurate results and improve the effectiveness of your solutions!

It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Selecting the elements to be tested: Choosing the right elements for testing ensures meaningful results and helps to improve the most important aspects of advertising.
  2. Timing of testing: Determining the optimal timing of testing allows you to collect enough data to make informed decisions.
  3. Combination Testing: Considering the combination of testing different items in parallel allows you to account for item interactions and get accurate results.

3. Increasing brand awareness

A megaphone and people working on brand promotion, symbolizing a marketing strategy

Increasing brand awareness plays an important role in the long term success of any company. Contextual advertising helps not only to attract potential customers but also to make your brand recognisable and memorable among a wide audience. In this section, we will look at various strategies such as creating creative banners, using video content and managing ad safety that help strengthen branding and increase its visibility and recognition in the market.

Creative banners

Advertisement for the cosmetic brand with a promotion on makeup products

Creating eye-catching and memorable banners helps in increasing brand awareness and capturing the attention of the audience. Creative banners should be visually appealing and have a clear message.

Video Ads

GoDaddy ad promoting website security with the slogan "You built it. Now protect it" alongside Rihanna's "Don't Stop The Music" video

Using video content to attract attention helps create a deeper emotional connection with your audience. Video ads are effective for showcasing products and services as well as telling a brand story.

Safety Management

Controlling the placement of adverts next to inappropriate content is important to protect brand reputation. Using specialised tools can help you avoid showing ads on sites with inappropriate content.

To ensure that your security management system is working correctly and content filters are being used effectively, it’s important to involve experts. Improper setup can result in lost funds and reduced effectiveness of ad campaigns.

Professionals can help:

Our studio offers comprehensive campaign setup and monitoring services to ensure your reputation is protected and your advertising budgets are maximised. By engaging specialists, you can avoid mistakes and achieve better results, keeping your brand in a positive light.

4. Reducing the Cost of Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Strategies for reducing customer acquisition cost (CAC): multichannel approach, data analysis, and campaign optimization.

Reducing the cost of customer acquisition cost (CAC) is an important aspect of an effective advertising strategy. Reducing the cost of acquiring new customers allows businesses to use advertising budgets more wisely and improve ROI. In this section, we’ll look at competitive intelligence analysis techniques, multi-channel approaches and other strategies that help optimise advertising campaigns and reduce the cost of acquiring each new customer.

Competitor Analysis

Using competitive activity data helps to optimise a campaign and reduce the cost of acquiring a customer (CAC). By analysing competitors, you can identify effective strategies and use them to improve your campaigns. Examples of how analyses help identify effective strategies:

Multi-channel approach

Utilising different advertising platforms and channels helps to reach a wide audience and reduce the cost of customer acquisition. A multi-channel approach includes the use of search advertising, media advertising, video advertising and social media advertising. Examples of optimisation and testing activities:

Optimisation of advertising campaigns

In order to effectively reduce CAC, it is important to constantly optimise advertising campaigns.

Examples of actions:

Competitor Analysis Example

Suppose your company sells sportswear. After conducting a competitor analysis, you discover that one of your main competitors is using a specific keyword “lightweight running shoes” that attracts a lot of traffic at a low cost. By implementing this keyword into your campaign and optimising your ads, you can reduce your cost of customer acquisition and increase your customer acquisition.

5. Increasing the quality of leads

A person analyzing the target audience using targeting technologies

Increasing the quality of leads is one of the priorities of contextual advertising.

Quality leads are potential customers who are likely to become real customers.

Focusing on attracting such leads helps businesses not only increase sales, but also improve the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts. In this section, we’ll look at different targeting techniques, the use of look-alike audiences, and a multi-channel approach that help attract high-quality leads.

What are low-quality leads?

Low-qualityleads are contacts orleads that have a low probability of converting into actual sales.

The reasons for low-quality leads can vary:

Methods for dealing with low-quality leads

Fighting poor-quality leads: a person confronting a smoky creature symbolizing ineffective leads

1. Traffic filtering:

2. Using captcha:

3. Activity Monitoring:

4. Analyse the quality ofleads:

Methods for identifying low-quality leads

1. Data Analysis:

2. Sales team feedback:

3. Testing and Optimisation:

Methods of attracting quality leads

1. Targeting:

2. Look-alike audiences:

3. Multi-channel approach:

What is look-alike audience in contextual advertising

Alook-alike audience (or similar audience) is a group of users who have similar characteristics to your existing customer base. Creating look-alike audiences is a powerful tool in contextual advertising, allowing you to attract new potential customers who are likely to be interested in your product or service.

Look-alike audiences are created by analysing data about your current customers. Advertising platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads use machine learning algorithms to find users who exhibit similar behaviours, interests and demographics. These algorithms analyse a variety of parameters including:

Benefits of using similar audiences

  1. High Relevance: Because lookalike audiences are based on your current customers, they are more likely to include users who are interested in your product or service.
  2. Increase conversions: Look-alike audiences help attract new users who are more likely to take a targeted action on your site, whether it’s a purchase, registration or subscription.
  3. Optimise advertising budgets: Using look-alike audiences allows you to allocate your advertising budgets more efficiently, directing funds towards attracting quality leads.
  4. Expand your reach: Look-alike audiences allow you to reach beyond your current customer base and attract new leads to help grow your business.

Look-alike audiences are a powerful contextual advertising tool that helps you attract new customers similar to your current customers. Using this method allows you to increase the relevance of your advertising campaigns, increase conversions and optimise advertising costs. Incorporating look-alike audiences into your advertising strategy can significantly improve the results of your marketing efforts.

Want to improve the quality of your leads and increase your marketing effectiveness? Let’s create the magic together! Contact us and we’ll develop a unique strategy that will turn every advertising penny into a gold mine. Your path to success starts here. Don’t delay – contact us right now and start your journey to new heights!

6. Improving User Experience (UX)

When users find your site user-friendly and enjoyable to use, they are more likely to take a targeted action, whether it’s making a purchase, registering, or requesting information. In this section, we’ll look at strategies and techniques such as optimising landing pages, implementing interactive elements and using chatbots to help improve the user experience and make your site more appealing to visitors.

Fast and user-friendly landing pages

Website performance analysis interface with scores across categories: performance, accessibility, recommendations, and search engine optimization (SEO)

Optimising landing pages for fast loading and usability improves user experience. Fast pages reduce bounce rates and increase the likelihood of taking targeted actions.

Interactive elements

Xe Currency Converter interface showing a conversion from USD to EUR with options for amount, sending, charts, and alerts

Implementing interactive elements such as calculators, quizzes and interactive maps helps to increase user engagement and improve their experience of interacting with the site.

Chatbots and online consultants

GoDaddy Airo advertisement showcasing AI-powered solutions for creating websites, logos, and social media content, with a live chat assistance option

The use of chatbots and online consultants helps to improve user experience by providing instant answers to questions and assistance in navigating the site. This improves customer satisfaction and increases the likelihood of conversions.

7. Voice search

Voice search on a smartphone — a modern technology for searching information through voice commands

Voice search is becoming an increasingly popular way for users to interact with the internet, and for contextual advertising, this opens up new opportunities. As technology advances, voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa allow users to find information and make purchases using voice commands. For businesses, this means the need to tailor advertising strategies to voice queries.

In this section, we’ll look at how to set up contextual advertising for voice search using local targeting and voice query specifics to effectively reach your target audience and improve your website’s visibility in voice search results.

How to set up contextual advertising for voice search

1. Use natural language

Voice queries are usually phrased in a more natural and conversational way compared to text queries. Therefore, it’s important to adapt keywords and phrases in your ad campaigns to match these characteristics.


2. Focus on question phrases

Users often ask voice queries in the form of questions. Incorporating question phrases into keywords helps improve relevancy and increase the chances of ads being shown.


3. Local Targeting

Voice queries often include localised intent, such as searching for nearby shops or services. Setting up local targeting helps your ads appear to users who are in a specific geographic area.


4- Optimising for the “long tail”

Voice queries are often longer than text queries. Optimising for long tail keyword phrases helps you reach more targeted and specific queries.


5. Developing content targeted to voice search

Creating content that answers common user questions and queries helps improve your site’s visibility in voice search results.


With the growing popularity of voice search, contextual advertising is adapting to provide relevant results in the context of voice queries.

Microsoft predicts that voice search will become an important part of advertising strategies, especially for brands targeting younger audiences.”MS Ads.

Examples of ad customisation for voice search

  1. Electronics shop:
    • Keywords: ‘where to buy an iPhone near me’, ‘electronics shop in the city centre’
    • Local targeting: Setting up adverts for a 5 km radius around the shop.
  2. Restaurant:
    • Keywords: ‘where to dine near me’, ‘restaurant with Italian cuisine in the centre’
    • Local targeting: Targeting users within 10 km of the restaurant.
  3. Fitness club:
    • Keywords: ‘nearest fitness club’, ‘where to do sports near me’
    • Local targeting: Setting up adverts for the area where the fitness club is located.

“According to Microsoft, 46% of users believe that advertising in voice search results improves their search experience, which opens up new opportunities for brands.” MS Ads.

Adapting contextual advertising for voice search requires taking voice queries into account and using local targeting strategies. Setting up ads with a focus on natural language, question phrases, long-tail keyword phrases and creating relevant content will help your business effectively reach your target audience and improve visibility in voice search results.

Our studio offers professional services to set up and optimise your voice search advertising campaigns so you can make the most of these new opportunities.

The importance of proper contextual advertising setup

A user managing advertising campaigns in Google Ads on a laptop

It is important to understand that only properly configured contextual advertising is able to solve the above tasks. Improperly set up advertising only leads to a waste of money.

Our specialists, who have vast experience in this area, can professionally set up advertising campaigns, ensuring the achievement of goals. If you want to be sure of the results, take a look at our case studies. We have demonstrated a significant increase in sales and registrations on our clients’ websites thanks to competently set up contextual advertising.

Targeting accuracy

An image of a target with an arrow hitting the center, symbolizing precise targeting and data analysis in marketing campaigns

Contextual advertising allows you to show ads only to users who have already shown interest in your product or service. For example, if a user searches for “order sushi”, he will be shown ads on this topic. This significantly increases the likelihood that the user will click on the link and place an order.

What is targeting?

A woman wearing glasses working at a computer, analyzing data, fully immersed in her work

Targeting is a technique used in online advertising that allows you to show adverts only to users who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

Imagine you have a sportswear shop and you want to attract customers. Instead of showing ads to everyone, targeting allows you to target a specific group of people, such as those who are interested in sports or have recently searched for sportswear online.

In simple words: Targeting is a way to target your ads to a specific audience that is likely to be interested in your offer. It helps you save money and make your adverts more effective.

The main types of targeting are

  1. Keyword targeting: You show your adverts to people who type certain words or phrases related to your product into a search engine.
  2. Geographic targeting: Ads are shown to users in certain regions or cities. For example, if you have a cafe in Kiev, your adverts will only be seen by users in Kiev.
  3. Retargeting: This is when adverts are shown to users who have already visited your site. The goal is to remind them of your offer and bring them back to the site to complete their purchase.
  4. Time targeting: You choose the time when your advert will be shown. For example, if your target audience is active in the evening, your adverts will be shown then.
  5. Interest and Behavioural Targeting: Ads are targeted to people with specific interests or online behaviours. For example, sportswear adverts will be shown to people who often read fitness articles or watch workout videos.

Targeting helps make your advertising campaign more accurate and effective, attracting exactly the users who are more likely to become your customers.

“Contextual advertising shows promise over third-party cookie-based advertising. A Google experiment showed that using interest-based solutions with privacy-preserving signals on the display network resulted in a 2-7% reduction in advertiser spend compared to third-party cookie-based results.” – Dan Taylor, Vice President, Global Ads, Google.

Extending contextual signals

Extending contextual signals in contextual advertising can significantly improve targeting and relevancy of adverts. Using additional data such as weather conditions, geolocation, and current events helps to target ads more precisely to users, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions. In this section, we’ll look at how to apply weather and geolocation data, as well as consider upcoming events, to customise your contextual ads to make them as effective and engaging as possible for your target audience.

Applying weather data

Using weather data for ad targeting allows you to tailor ads based on current or predicted weather conditions. This helps make ads more relevant to users.

Examples of use:

Application of geolocation data

Geolocation data allows you to target ads to users located in specific locations or regions. This helps in making the adverts more relevant to specific audiences.

Examples of use cases:

Accounting for upcoming events

Adapting advertisements according to upcoming events allows you to target users who may be interested in these events.

Examples of use:

Budget Management

An analyst reviewing financial data on a laptop and paper reports in an office with large windows

Contextual advertising offers businesses a wide range of opportunities for flexible budget management. It allows you to accurately control costs and effectively allocate advertising funds, ensuring maximum return on investment.

Cost control

Google Ads interface displaying a user adjusting the budget for a campaign, with options for editing daily spend amounts and campaign statuses.

With contextual advertising, you can easily manage your financial resources. You set daily and monthly limits, which helps you control costs and avoid overspending. This is especially useful for companies with a limited budget, as you will always know how much money is spent on advertising every day and every month.

Bid customisation

Google Ads interface displaying a list of campaigns with performance metrics such as clicks, CTR, conversion rate, and average CPC for analysis.

Another important advantage of contextual advertising is the ability to choose bids. You can set rates per click (CPC) or per thousand impressions (CPM), depending on your goals and priorities. If your main goal is to attract as many visitors to your site as possible, it makes sense to choose CPC. If, however, you want as many people as possible to see your ad, CPM may be a better choice.

It doesn’t have to be the first ad to be seen. Calculate ROI by ad position. This is especially important if you advertise in very competitive topics. It is quite possible that you get the most profit when your adverts are shown in, for example, 3-4 positions rather than in the first position.

If you have any questions, we can help! Contact us for a free consultation and budget calculation for your advertising campaign.

Preliminary advertising budget calculation

A woman calculating money at a desk with a laptop and calculator, analyzing the budget

If you can’t decide what budget you need to achieve your goals, we can perform a preliminary calculation of the minimum advertising budget required.

To do this, you need to answer a few questions:

  1. What is the goal of your advertising campaign? (increased sales, website registrations, increased brand awareness, etc.).
  2. Who is your target audience? (age, gender, geographic location, interests, etc.)
  3. What keywords and phrases do you want to use?
  4. What budget are you willing to allocate for advertising?
  5. What results do you expect to achieve? (number of conversions, etc.).
  6. Do you have data on current performance (if the advert has been run before)?

Ready to get a website that sells / advertising / branding?

  • Predictive

  • Systematic

  • Stable


over the Internet

Honest approach to budget management

Many advertising studios manipulate budget information, inflating it to get bigger commissions. The more the budget is spent, the bigger their commission will be. Often this happens through non-obvious methods, such as using expensive keywords or incorrectly setting up advertising campaigns in Google Ads systems, which leads to overspending of the client’s funds.

Our studio works honestly and transparently. We “squeeze” the maximum out of the budget, every hryvnia works for the result! We strive to provide you with the best results without unnecessary costs. Our specialists have extensive experience in managing advertising budgets and know how to achieve maximum efficiency.

Examples of unfair methods

Our principles of honesty and transparency:

If you want to see our expertise, check out our case studies and our clients’ results. We are ready to provide all the data you need and help you achieve your business goals with minimum cost and maximum return.

  1. Themain objectives of advertising are:
    • Increase sales
    • Attract new customers
    • Increase brand awareness
    • Increase traffic to the website
    • Attract subscribers/registrations
    • Promoting specific products or services
  2. Priority areas:
    • What products or services are your top priorities for promotion?
  3. Period of the advertising campaign:
    • For how long do you plan to run the advert? (month, quarter, year)
  4. Geographic targeting:
    • In which regions/cities do you want to show your adverts?
  5. Target Audience:
    • Age group
    • Gender
    • Interests and hobbies
    • Behavioural characteristics (e.g. users who have already visited your site)

Your expectations and constraints

  1. Budget constraints:
    • What is your planned advertising budget?
  2. Expected Results:
    • What specific results do you want to get from the campaign? (e.g. X sales per month, Y new subscribers, etc.)
  3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
    • What metrics will be used to measure campaign performance? (CTR, conversions, ROI, etc.)

Additional information

  1. Competitors:
    • Who are your main competitors and how are they promoted?
  2. Special offers or promotions:
    • Do you have any special offers or promotions you would like to include in your advertising campaign?

Current promotional activity

  1. History of previous campaigns:
    • Have you previously launched advertising campaigns? If yes, what results were achieved?
  2. Current marketing activities:
    • What other marketing activities are you currently conducting? (SEO, SMM, email marketing, etc.)

Resources available

  1. Content and creatives:
    • Do you have ready-made promotional materials (banners, text, videos, etc.)?
    • Do you need help creating content?
  2. Analytics and data:
    • What analytics tools do you use to track data? (Google Analytics, Yandex.Metric, etc.)

Please provide us with as much information as possible on these items so we can conduct a detailed analysis and develop a strategy that makes the most of your advertising budget, increasing the visibility of your business and engaging your target audience.

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    How does contextual advertising work?

    Google search results for the query "best laptops" featuring advertisements for various laptop models

    The basic principle of contextual advertising is to display adverts that match the content of a web page or a user’s search queries. This is achieved through the use of algorithms that analyse the content of web pages and select relevant ads.

    In 2024, global spending on search advertising will reach $306.7 billion, and this is expected to increase to $417.4 billion by 2028.

    Contextual ads can appear in a variety of formats such as text ads in search results, banners on websites, video ads and mobile app ads. It is important that the adverts are as relevant as possible to the user’s interests at that moment, which increases the likelihood of interaction with the ad.

    Algorithms and data analysis

    Contextual advertising relies on sophisticated algorithms and data analysis to determine the best places to place adverts. These algorithms take into account many factors such as:

    Using this data, contextual advertising systems such as Google Ads can automatically select adverts that have the greatest potential to engage the user. This greatly improves the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and allows advertisers to achieve their goals at a lower cost.

    Modern algorithms can analyse not only keywords, but also the semantic load of the text, which allows you to create more relevant ads.

    Keyword selection

    Keyword selection is one of the most important aspects of contextual advertising. Keywords allow advertisers to target their audience based on specific search queries and interests. The keyword selection process involves several steps:

    1. Keyword research

    Keyword research is the first step in the selection process. Using tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant and popular keywords in your niche.

    2. Analyse Popularity

    Analysing the popularity of keywords allows you to determine which keywords are the most popular among users.

    3. Competition analysis

    Assessment of the competition level for the selected keywords and identification of the most effective ones to be used in advertising campaigns.

    4. Keyword grouping and clustering

    Create groups of keywords for different adverts and landing pages to increase the relevance and effectiveness of the campaign. This process is also called clustering.

    5. Keyword Optimisation

    Continually monitor and optimise keywords based on campaign performance to improve performance and reduce cost per click (CPC).

    Ads writing

    The next step is to write adverts based on the selected keywords. This is an important process that requires knowledge of Google’s rules and requirements, as well as methods for creating effective adverts.

    “Often a simple headline change changes the effectiveness of an advert by a factor of 5-10.” Claude Hopkins.

    Forming the structure of the advertising office

    Forming an ad cabinet structure involves creating campaigns, ad groups and adverts, as well as choosing a display strategy and budgets.

    Check the site and set up goals

    Before launching a campaign, you need to test the site and set up goals to track the effectiveness of the adverts.

    Contextual advertising, powered by carefully selected keywords and data analysis, allows advertisers to reach their target audience with high accuracy and efficiency. With this, companies can significantly improve their marketing results and achieve a better return on investment (ROI).

    Types of contextual advertising

    Contextual advertising offers a variety of formats that help businesses reach their target audience through different channels. Here’s a look at the main types of contextual advertising: text ads, banner ads, video ads, and mobile app ads.

    Text ads in search results

    Google search results featuring advertisements for freight transportation services

    Text ads are displayed on search results pages such as Google or Bing and usually contain a title, a short description and a link to a website.


    Banners on websites

    An advertisement featuring a woman promoting Elseve Hyaluron Plump hair products, highlighting 2x hair volume benefits

    Banner ads include graphic or animated ads that are placed on various websites that are part of advertising networks.


    Video advertising

    YouTube video displaying contextual advertising for Middlesex University Dubai with a call to "Sign up" for learning from world-class faculty.

    Video ads can play before, during or after video content on platforms such as YouTube, as well as on other sites that support video ads.


    YouTube is one of the most powerful platforms for business promotion. Thanks to its huge audience and effective algorithms, a properly set up YouTube advertising campaign can significantly increase the revenue of your business.

    Mobile app adverts

    Illustration of mobile advertising featuring ad banners on a smartphone screen and a woman with a megaphone

    Mobile app ads include text, image and video ads that are displayed within apps.


    Types of advertising campaigns

    Contextual advertising includes different types of campaigns, each of which has its own unique features and is suitable for certain purposes. Let’s take a look at the main types of advertising campaigns used in Google Ads, their working principles and advantages.

    Search advertising (Google Ads)

    Search ads in Google Ads include ad units that are displayed in response to user queries on Google search results pages, as well as on other Google services such as Maps and Shopping. These ads are shown based on keywords that users enter into the search box.

    Google search results for the query "restaurant," including advertisements for cafes and restaurants in Dnipro and a map of restaurant locations

    Advantages of Search Ads

    Search ads are differentiated from organic results by being labelled “Ads”, making them easily distinguishable to users. In addition to text adverts, search ads can use images and logos, increasing the visual appeal and effectiveness of the adverts.

    Media Ads (Google Display Network)

    Media advertising on the Google Display Network (GDN) includes graphical, text and video ads that are displayed on millions of Google partner sites.

    Banner advertisement promoting Vitamin Cocktail Extra Life with the slogan "Твоя корисна звичка" (Your healthy habit) displayed at the bottom of a webpage

    Benefits of Media Advertising

    Shopping Ads (Google Shopping)

    Product ads on Google Shopping include adverts with product images, prices and descriptions. These ads appear in search results and in the Google Shopping tab.

    Google search results showing advertisements for various TV models, including 75-inch Neo QLED, LG OLED, and Hisense, with pricing and specifications.

    Google Shopping ads help merchants to effectively promote their products and attract potential customers by providing them with all the information they need directly in the search results.

    The benefits of product ads

    Advertising on affiliate sites (Google AdSense)

    Google AdSense allows website owners to display Google adverts on their web resources and earn revenue for clicks or impressions. AdSense is used to monetise content and also to show relevant ads that match the theme of the site.

    Banner advertisement for PROXYS.IO promoting anonymous proxies with the slogan "The best proxies from anywhere in the world" and an option to "Buy IPv4/IPv6 Proxy."

    Advantages of advertising on affiliate sites

    Differences from Google Display Network (GDN)

    Although Google AdSense and Google Display Network (GDN) are closely related, they serve different functions in the Google advertising ecosystem:

    As a result, Google AdSense and Google Display Network (GDN) work closely together, giving webmasters the ability to monetise content and advertisers access to a wide and diverse audience.

    Advertising on Google Maps

    Google Maps advertising allows businesses to show their adverts to users searching for places and services on a map.

    Google Maps search results for rental accommodation, featuring ads for “Lime” hostel and “ArendaDP” apartments, with a map showing locations of various rental options in Dnipro.

    Benefits of advertising on maps

    Mobile Ads

    Mobile advertising includes adverts that are shown on mobile devices. They can be text, image or video ads optimised for mobile screens.

    Three smartphones showing different types of mobile ads: a mobile search ad for flowers, a display ad on The New York Times website, and an app ad promoting a music app with an install button.

    Benefits of Mobile Advertising

    Mobile app campaigns

    Mobile app campaigns


    These campaigns are aimed at promoting mobile apps and are shown in other apps or on mobile sites.

    Benefits of mobile app advertising


    Remarketing allows you to show ads to users who have already visited your website but did not take a targeted action. This strategy helps to bring back potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversion.

    Benefits of Remarketing

    How remarketing works in Google Ads

    Examples of remarketing applications

    Remarketing in Google Ads is a powerful tool to effectively engage and bring potential customers back, increasing conversions and improving the overall results of your advertising campaigns.

    Google Performance Max

    Google Performance Max

    Performance Max is a new campaign type in Google Ads that allows advertisers to utilise all Google channels within a single campaign. These campaigns are automatically optimised for maximum results using data and machine learning.


    Smart Campaigns: Customisation

    Google Performance Max uses artificial intelligence to automate and optimise ad campaigns. This includes the following aspects:

    1. Automatic ad creation:
      • AI generates text, image and video ads based on the content provided.
      • Ads are automatically adapted for different platforms and formats for maximum flexibility and relevance.
    2. Audience Matching:
      • Artificial intelligence analyses user data and finds the most relevant audiences.
      • Signals from various channels are utilised, including search queries, videos watched, sites visited and location.
    3. Budget Optimisation:
      • AI allocates budget across different channels and campaigns to achieve the best results.
      • Automatically adjust bids based on real-time performance data.

    The difference between contextual advertising and traditional media

    “Why do my colleagues criticise me? Because they know very well that the next day they will be on the front pages of the newspapers. It’s free advertising for them.”José Mourinho, Portuguese footballer and coach, 1963.

    Contextual advertising and traditional media are two different approaches to attracting audiences and promoting products or services. Contextual advertising is based on the analysis of user behaviour and interests on the Internet, whereas traditional media use large-scale reach and exposure through television, radio and print (magazines, newspapers, etc.).

    Difference between contextual advertising and targeted advertising

    Contextual advertising and targeted advertising are two powerful tools in an internet marketer’s arsenal to reach the target audience and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. However, they differ in approach, methods and application. Let’s consider the main differences between contextual advertising and targeted advertising.

    CriterionContextual advertisingTargeted advertising
    Approach to targetingBased on web page content or search queriesBased on demographics, interests and user behaviour
    Methods and technologiesUses algorithms to analyse page content and search for keywordsUses user data collected through cookies and tracking pixels
    Applications and goalsSuitable for engaging users who are already interested in a topic or productEffective for creating personalised campaigns for specific audience segments
    ExampleAn advert for sports shoes on a page reviewing the best running shoesAn advert about new car models for users who have recently searched for information about buying a car
    AdvantagesHigh relevance of adverts, attracting targeted trafficAbility to accurately define the audience, effective use of the advertising budget
    Content relevancyAds are displayed based on the content of the web page or the user’s search queryAds are shown based on user data such as age, gender, location, interests and behaviour

    Both types of advertising have their unique advantages and can be used depending on the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign. Contextual advertising allows you to reach users when they are most interested in a topic, whereas targeted advertising provides the opportunity for precise and personalised targeting based on user data. Understanding these differences will help you make the most of both tools in your marketing strategies.

    “If they talk about an ad, it’s bad advertising. If they talk about a product, it’s good advertising.”David Ogilvy, founder of advertising agency Ogilvy, a successful copywriter. David Ogilvy is recognised by many as the “father of advertising”.

    Advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

    Infographic showing the advantages of contextual advertising: multiple placement formats, quick launch time, precise audience targeting

    Contextual advertising is a powerful tool for attracting the target audience and achieving marketing goals. However, like any method of promotion, it has its own features and difficulties. Let’s consider them in detail.

    Advantages of contextual advertising

    In 2024, the average CTR for search ads on Google Ads is around 3.17%, significantly higher than for other forms of digital advertising.

    According to research, more than 70% of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine use contextual advertising to promote their goods and services online.

    Features of contextual advertising

    “Advertising is not an exact science. It is suggestion. And suggestion is an art.”William Bernbach.

    How to measure the effectiveness of contextual advertising?

    Measuring contextual advertising effectiveness is a key aspect of understanding how successful your advertising campaigns are. It allows you to optimise costs, improve strategies and achieve better results. Here’s a detailed guide to measuring contextual advertising effectiveness:

    1. Define key performance indicators (KPIs)

    The first step is to identify the key performance indicators that will be used to measure the success of the advertising campaign. Key KPIs include:

    A study conducted in Spain found that 68% of small businesses consider contextual advertising to be the most effective tool for attracting local customers.

    2. Set up goals and conversion tracking

    To accurately measure effectiveness, it’s important to set up goals and conversion tracking in your advertising and analytics system (e.g. Google Analytics). This allows you to see which ads and keywords are driving conversions.

    3. Analyse keyword data

    Research which keywords are bringing in the most clicks and conversions. This will help you optimise your campaigns by focusing on the most effective keywords and eliminating those that aren’t delivering results.

    4. Evaluate the quality of your adverts

    The effectiveness of your ads also depends on their quality and relevance.

    5. Use analytics tools

    Use analytics tools to deeply evaluate the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.

    6. Monitoring and optimisation

    The effectiveness of contextual advertising requires constant monitoring and optimisation.

    7. Evaluate overall profitability

    Evaluate the overall profitability of your ad campaigns.

    These steps will help you comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of contextual advertising, identify weaknesses and opportunities for improvement, and improve the overall return on your advertising investment.

    Possible problems in the absence of monitoring

    If advertising campaigns are not monitored and responsive, the following problems can occur:

    1. Inefficient budget spend: Without regular analysis and optimisation of campaigns, it is possible to overspend on ineffective ads and keywords.
    2. Reduced ad relevance: Without updates and customisation, ads may become less relevant to audiences, resulting in lower click-through rates and conversions.
    3. Missed opportunities: Without monitoring, you may miss new opportunities to target and improve campaigns that could have brought in more customers.
    4. Display issues: If the platform’s algorithms or rules change, your ads may stop showing or not show correctly, negatively impacting ad performance.
    5. Negative impact of competitors: Competitors may be actively working on their campaigns, increasing bids and improving their ads, which can reduce the effectiveness of your campaigns if you do not react to changes in time.

    Effective contextual advertising management requires specialised knowledge and skills.

    That’s why it’s important to turn to specialists:

    When you turn to our specialists, you get the confidence that your advertising campaigns will be managed professionally, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

    Platforms for contextual advertising

    Logos of Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Amazon Ads, and Apple Ads above a vibrant laptop, representing leading contextual advertising platforms

    Contextual advertising has an important place in modern digital marketing, providing businesses with effective tools to reach their target audience. Dedicated platforms allow advertisers to create and manage ad campaigns that target user queries and web page content.

    What is a contextual advertising platform?

    Acontextual advertising platform is a dedicated online service or system designed to manage, configure and optimise advertising campaigns based on the context of search queries and web page content. These platforms provide tools that allow advertisers to create and place ads that appear in response to specific search queries or on web resources relevant to the subject matter of the advert.

    Main contextual advertising platforms

    Google Ads

    Google Ads is the most popular platform for contextual advertising, providing a wide range of tools for promoting goods and services. Advertisers get access to the largest search network and a huge number of partner sites.

    In 2024, Google Ads continues to lead the online advertising market with a 91.47% share, well ahead of competitors such as Bing (3.43%) and Amazon (less than 1%).


    Microsoft Advertising

    Registration on Microsoft Advertising

    Microsoft Advertising is a contextual advertising platform from Microsoft, covering the audience of Bing, Yahoo and AOL search engines. It’s a good choice for advertisers looking to expand their reach beyond Google.


    Amazon Ads

    Amazon Ads registration page with the text "Meet your customers wherever they are" and a "Register" button to start advertising

    Amazon Ads is a platform for advertising on Amazon’s website, providing unique opportunities to promote products to users already set up to buy. This makes it ideal for online shops and brands looking to increase sales.


    Apple Search Ads

    Apple Search Ads registration page with the text "Promote your app where it matters most" and a "Learn more" button to start advertising apps

    Apple Search Ads is an App Store advertising platform that allows developers to promote their apps to iOS users. This is especially relevant for companies focused on mobile apps.


    How to work with contextual advertising platforms

    1. Explore the possibilities: Explore the functionality and tools of your chosen platform. Familiarise yourself with targeting options and unique features that can be useful for achieving your goals.
    2. Set up a campaign: Define your goals and target audience before creating a campaign. Choose keywords or targeting options that match your business and target audience. Set up budget and bids.
    3. Create compelling ads: Use striking images, compelling headlines and relevant text to grab attention and inspire users to take action. Pay attention to relevancy for a specific search query or context.
    4. Optimise and track results: Regularly track campaign results using the platform’s analytics tools. Measure performance, conduct A/B testing and optimise settings based on the data.

    Benefits of using contextual advertising platforms

    What you need to know before launching contextual advertising

    Illustration with the text "What you need to know?"

    Launching contextual advertising requires careful planning and understanding of key aspects such as auction principles, automation and manual ad setup, and crafting effective ads. Let’s take a closer look at these elements.

    “You may be able to distinguish a great idea from the rest if you ask yourself the following five questions. When I first saw “it,” did it make me freeze in place? Would I want to create something similar myself? Is it unique? Does “it” fit the strategic goal of improving my image? Can ‘it’ be used for thirty years?”David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising.

    Auction principles

    Contextual advertising works on an auction model where advertisers compete for the right to display their adverts. Understanding auction principles will help you manage your campaigns more effectively.

    1. Bid: Advertisers set the maximum price they are willing to pay per click (CPC) or thousand impressions (CPM).
    2. Quality Score: Platforms like Google Ads rate the quality and relevance of your adverts and landing pages. A high quality score can lower your cost per click and increase your ad positions.
    3. Ad Rank (ad rank): Ad rank is determined based on bid and quality score. The higher the ranking, the better the position of your ad.

    For example, if two advertisers are competing for the same keyword, the advertiser with the higher ad rank will get the better position even if their bid is lower.

    In 2024, it is predicted that the volume of investment in contextual advertising in Ukraine will reach $120 million, which is 20% more than in 2023.

    Advertising automation and manual adjustment

    Contextual advertising can be managed through automation or manual customisation, depending on your goals and resources.

    1. Ad Automation:
    1. Manual Adjustment:

    The decision between automation and manual setup depends on your needs and experience. Beginners may benefit from starting with automation, while experienced advertisers may prefer manual control for more flexibility in ad campaign settings.

    How to compose an effective ad

    Creating effective adverts is a key element of success in contextual advertising. Here are some tips on how to craft an ad that will grab attention:

    1. Headline: The headline should be short, informative and include keywords. It should grab attention and encourage the user to click on the advert.

    Example: “Buy athletic trainers – Discounts up to 50%!”

    1. Description: In the description, elaborate on what exactly you offer and emphasise the benefits of your offer. Use calls to action (CTAs).

    Example: “The best running shoes. Free shipping when you order today!”

    1. URL and landing page: Make sure the link leads to a relevant landing page where users will find information relevant to the advert.

    Example: “example.com/discounts-on-sneakers”

    Successfully running contextual advertising requires understanding auction principles, making the right choice between automation and manual setup, and creating effective ads. These elements will help you maximise the results of your campaigns and achieve your marketing goals.

    If you don’t have time to deal with these issues, or if you’re facing setup challenges, contact us! We can help you set up and optimise your campaigns for maximum results. Fill out the form below and our specialist will contact you as soon as possible.

    Prohibited topics for displaying in contextual advertising

    A hand pressing a red button with a white cross on a blue background

    To ensure the safety of users and to comply with the law, advertising platforms set strict rules on what topics can be displayed in ads. Violation of these rules can result in ad blocking and other penalties.

    What topics are not allowed to be shown in contextual ads?

    1. Illegal goods and services
    1. Dangerous products or services
    1. Unauthorised substances
    1. Harmful and offensive content
    1. Ethical and moral standards
    1. Confidential Information

    Why are these restrictions in place?

    Advertising platforms impose restrictions for:

    It is important to abide by the rules and restrictions set by the advertising platforms. Knowing the prohibited topics helps advertisers create safe and effective campaigns by protecting users’ interests and complying with laws.

    Automation and AI in contextual advertising

    Interaction between a digital brain and a computer, symbolizing artificial intelligence and neural networks

    As technology advances, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are playing an increasingly important role in improving and optimising advertising campaigns.

    The role of automation in contextual advertising

    Automation in contextual advertising can simplify and speed up many of the processes involved in managing advertising campaigns. This includes:

    1. Bid management: Automated bid management systems (e.g. Google Ads Smart Bidding) analyse real-time data and adjust bids to maximise ad performance. This allows advertisers to save time and resources while achieving better results.
    2. Ad Optimisation: With automation, you can test different versions of ads, selecting the most effective ones. Tools such as A/B testing help determine which headlines, texts and images attract the most attention from the audience.
    3. Targeting and segmentation: Automated systems can analyse user behaviour and preferences, allowing you to create more accurate audience segments and target ads to the most interested users.

    AI and machine learning algorithms are increasingly being used to improve the effectiveness of contextual advertising by analysing user preferences and showing them the most relevant ads in real time.
    Grand View Research

    Application of AI in contextual advertising

    A man asks a robot if it can create a masterpiece, and the robot replies "YES!"

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking automation to the next level, providing even more opportunities to optimise advertising campaigns. Here are a few key ways AI is being used in contextual advertising:

    1. Ad personalisation: AI can analyse vast amounts of data about users and predict which ads will be most relevant to each user. This allows personalised ad messages to be created, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
    2. Data analysis: AI tools are able to process and analyse big data in real time, identifying trends and patterns that may not be obvious to the human eye. This helps in making more informed decisions and adjusting strategies in real time.
    3. Performance Prediction: With machine learning, AI can predict which campaigns will be most successful by evaluating multiple factors including user behaviour, seasonality, competitive landscape and other variables.
    4. Content Optimisation: AI can automate content creation by using algorithms to generate text and images that match the preferences of the target audience. This allows advertising messages to be tailored quickly and increase relevance.

    Growing trust in AI in advertising: As the use of AI in advertising increases, so does consumer trust in these technologies, contributing to more successful campaigns.” MS Ads.

    Benefits of automation and AI in contextual advertising

    1. Increased efficiency: Automation and AI can significantly improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, reducing costs and increasing ROI (return on investment).
    2. Save time and resources: Automated systems take over routine tasks, freeing marketers to work strategically and creatively.
    3. Improved targeting: Accurate data and predictions provided by AI allow you to create more targeted and personalised campaigns.
    4. Flexibility and adaptability: Automated systems can quickly adapt to changes in the market and in user behaviour, ensuring that advertising messages are relevant.

    Automation and artificial intelligence play a key role in the development of contextual advertising, offering advertisers new opportunities to optimise their campaigns. Using these technologies helps to achieve better results, save time and resources, and create more relevant and personalised advertising messages.


    • What is contextual advertising?
      Contextual advertising is a form of online advertising in which ads are shown to users based on their search queries or the content of the web page they are viewing. Examples of such ads can be seen in Google search results or on partner sites in the Google Display Network.
    • How does contextual advertising work?
      Contextual advertising works based on keywords and targeting. Advertisers create ads and select keywords that are relevant to their products or services. When a user enters these keywords into a search box or visits a website with relevant content, the ad is displayed to them.
    • What are the benefits of contextual advertising?
      1. Precision targeting: Ads are only shown to users who have already shown interest in your product or service.
      2. Pay-for-Per-Click: Advertisers pay only for clicks on ads (PPC), making costs more predictable.
      3. Highly effective: Contextual advertising can quickly attract targeted traffic to a website, which helps increase conversions and sales.
    • Which platforms support contextual advertising?
      The most popular platforms for contextual advertising include:
      • Google Ads: Includes search ads, display ads, video ads on YouTube, and shopping ads in Google Shopping.
      • Bing Ads: Offers advertising in the Bing search engine and on partner sites.
      • Amazon Ads: Sponsored products and brands on the Amazon platform.
      • Apple Search Ads: App advertisements in the App Store.
    • How to start a contextual advertising campaign?
      To start a contextual advertising campaign, follow these steps:
      1. Create an account on the chosen platform (e.g., Google Ads).
      2. Define the campaign goals and budget.
      3. Select keywords and set up targeting.
      4. Create appealing ads with relevant content.
      5. Launch the campaign and regularly monitor its performance for optimization.
    • What is remarketing in contextual advertising?
      Remarketing is a strategy that allows you to show ads to users who have already visited your website but did not complete a desired action (such as making a purchase). This helps remind them of your offer and increases the chances of conversion.
    • How much does contextual advertising cost?
      The cost of contextual advertising varies depending on several factors, including the payment model, the competitiveness of keywords, the quality of ads, and targeting settings.
    • How to measure the effectiveness of contextual advertising?
      Various metrics are used to measure the effectiveness of contextual advertising, such as:
      • CTR (Click-Through Rate): The percentage of users who clicked on your ad.
      • CPC (Cost Per Click): The average cost of a click on your ad.
      • Conversions: The number of users who completed a desired action after clicking on the ad.
      • ROI (Return on Investment): The return on investment in the advertising campaign.
    • What mistakes should be avoided when launching a contextual advertising campaign?
      1. Unoptimized keywords: Using irrelevant or too broad keywords, which leads to low conversion and high budget spending.
      2. Poor ad quality: Unattractive headlines or insufficiently informative content in ads may fail to engage potential customers.
      3. Ignoring analytics: Failing to monitor and analyze campaign results prevents timely adjustments needed to improve effectiveness.
      4. Insufficient budget: Setting a budget too low limits ad exposure and reduces effectiveness, leading to missed opportunities.
      5. Unoptimized website with poor usability: Even with high-quality ads and well-chosen keywords, if the website is difficult to navigate, it can deter potential customers and lower overall conversion. It's important for the website to be well-designed in terms of usability, providing a positive user experience.
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