SEO-promotion and advertising in Google with a -20% discountGet customers just now!

  • Manager is a friend of the customer, understands you from the word go!
  • One of our fahivets supervise no more than 2 projects. We don’t send sites “in packs”.
  • We areagainst full automation. We are in favour of real “manual” evaluation.
  • We understand the weekly reports!
  • Only the “white” methods of the applicationwe guarantee a safe application!

Still hesitating? Request a free SEO audit of your site!

Request a free SEO-Audit
We can make your company a leader in the market, providing high quality website promotion service.Order get a FREE test period of work on your project for 3 days! Check usout!

    JOBSTUDIO – tse
    Countries we work with
    Case study
    Regular customers
    Years on the IT services market
    90 000+
    Entries are searched in Google search engine
    Participation in projects

    We provide the following services

    SEO promotion

    Full cycle of works to improve the efficiency of the site: increase in visits, conversion rates, usability and quality.

    Request a search engine audit of the site

    We can carry out SEO-analysis of the site – we will check the quality of optimisation and make recommendations on how to eliminate errors that impede effective SEO.

    Contextual advertising

    Nalashtuem contextual advertising, which brings system sales. Vykonaemo rozrachunok parametrov paybacki

    Verification of your SEO-contractor

    Review of SEO-contractor on the quality of work on your site.

    Removal of the site from the filter

    We will promptly identify the causes of your site under the sanctions of search engines and eliminate them.

    Service in development

    Soon we will present a new and unique service for the development of your business!

    Do you have an exclusive, non-standard, unique project?

    We will study your topic and formulate a plan of development.

      Our cases

      Stage 1: Study of the project theme

      We define the goal, study the specifics of the topic, analyse competitors’ websites if necessary.

      Stage 2: Project audit

      We start the site promotion with preparatory work and conduct a series of quality audits, including the analysis of the visibility of the site.

      Stage 3: Creation of semantic core

      We collect quality semantic kernel, which is subject to manual verification apart from automatic clustering.

      Stage 4: Creating the structure of the site

      On the basis of the collected semantics we create the correct and user-friendly structure of the site.

      Stage 5: Planning first, then applying SEO-strategies.

      Customers receive an individualised strategy, timeline and, most importantly, a forecast of the results to be achieved.

      Stage 6: Technical optimisation

      We are engaged in searching and eliminating all technical defects of the site, which hinder its promotion.

      Stage 7: Internal optimisation

      Optimise content, meta tags and headings. Carry out work in the direction of the correct organisation of the site relinking

      Stage 8: Competitor Analysis

      Conduct a search and analysis of competitors’ products

      9 step: Work on external factors

      Increase awareness of your website and brand on the Internet by referring to them on thematic sites.

      Step 10: Improving the site’s PF

      We work with webvisor, analytics to improve behavioural factors, reduce the % of refusals

      Stage 11: Evaluation of the result

      We keep clear statistics of the project, analyse the positions of the enquiries in the analytics systems.

      work stages

      Our advantages

      SEO – a graceless variant

      Promotion in search engines – a profitable backdrop for the future, because contextual advertising constantly requires an injection of budget, and often this budget is actively growing due to high competition in the subject.

      You will darken all the competitors!

      A lot of people credit themselves with the fact that they have fully automated important stages of promotion, for example: a complete audit of the site, collection and clustering of semantic core, writing meta tags and so on. We are written by the fact that practically all these works are done “by hand” regardless of the complexity of the project

      We are against SkyNet! Our staff is staffed by “live” people.

      We believe that full automation inevitably affects the quality of work. On the other hand, we have automated 90% of the process of data collection and identification of important parameters of the site. This allows us to get reliable and comprehensive information without using servers with unrevised algorithms and template reports, and make informed decisions.

      Generic reporting

      On a weekly basis we provide reports on the work performed, present a list of necessary corrective actions, and give suggestions on how to improve the situation. To control the results of the project, we conduct regular analyses of Google Analytics and Search Console statistics systems.

      Clear work plan in different topics, focus on results

      We have experience in different areas of business and are ready to share our successes with you.

      Our employees lead no more than 2 projects at a time.

      That allows them to pay attention to the most important details. They are always ready to answer any questions and requests regarding your project.

      Always on the phone.

      Literally. You will not feel “Your call is important for us, but we are busy at the moment”. There is a problem or a task – we solve it as quickly as possible. We value the trust of our customers

      One of the strongest team of web-analysts in the industry.

      JobStudio helps its clients to increase traffic conversion by increasing landing pages. This reduces the cost of revenue (CPO) and increases ROI. Increase in sales without increasing the budget. We work according to the principle of “one window” – we help the customer to collect the elements that are absent. For example, if you have no landing pages, we will create them. Or there are no mobile versions of the site – we can also make them. We not only provide TOR, but also help with its realisation

      We give access to accounts.

      We are in favour of open and honest cooperation, so we always give our clients access to accounting records to monitor the results of project implementation, so you can find out how things are going or show our results to other professionals.

      Reducing the cost of recruiting new clients

      Efficient promotion of your project allows you to increase CTR in search results and reduce the cost of the application. As a result, you will get more customers from the search results for the operating budget.

      Workflow optimisation

      For each project we allocate a team of multi-disciplinary certified professionals, who regularly analyse and optimize the site to improve its performance indicators

      Honesty and long term relations with customers.

      For each project we allocate a team of multi-disciplinary certified professionals who regularly analyse and optimize the site to improve its performance indicators.

      What determines the price for website promotion

      Level of competition

      In conditions of high competition the process of SEO-optimisation is considerably more difficult, which means that the cost of our work on the site for a month will be higher. If your company competes with only 2-3 firms, and not a few thousand, the site will go to the TOP much faster and the cost of the service will be less in times


      Prosuvannya in Kiev more expensive than in Melitopoli, for example. It also depends on the level of competition: the larger the region, the higher this indicator is.

      Wideness of assortment /
      list of services

      The more products, the greater the number of enquiries and, as a result, the higher the price. If your budget is tight, it is important to prioritise. Choose which notes should be put through first. In this way you can effectively spend your budget

      Only SEO-optimisation
      or a set of services

      We recommend you to choose services of complex promotion of your project. With a comprehensive approach we not only aim to bring your site to the TOP of search engines, but also work on marketing strategy, form a positive reputation of your resource in the network. You can learn more about complex promotion by requesting a free consultation call

      Quality of notes

      High-frequency (HF) notes are more expensive for low-frequency (LF), as it is on the first zosederezhenna main competition.

      But it is not worth it not to be unhtuvaty prosuvannymi on LF and low-frequency notes, because it is for these notes come people who are already ready to make a purchase

      Site status
      at the moment

      Resource with unfriendly navigation, the absence of the required functionality (such as calculator) will not bring revenue, even if I will be on the first rows of the search results. We give recommendations on how to eliminate all the difficulties and create a ToR for the lack of functionality. As a result, you get a fully functional site that sells, a site with a good potential conversion rate.


      In every topic and business sphere there is an individual level of competition. For example, the sale of kitchenware has a higher level of competition than the realisation of microchips for household appliances.

      Tariff schedule


      from 300 euro
      per month
      “Traffic Non Stop
      from 500 euro
      per month
      from 800 euro
      per month
      from 3 euro
      per attracted lead
      “Golden Watch”
      from 20 euro
      per hour

      Your bonus!

      Submit an application and get a FREE test period of work on your project
      for 3 days!


      Number of targeted visitors attracted to the siteNumber of targeted visitors attracted to the siteComplete solution – high results!
      KPIs can be
      :✦ Increase in revenue, profit, margin✦ Increasein sales in units✦ Increase inaverage cheque

      ✦ Increase the share of advertising expenses in proportion to sales

      ✦ Decrease in price per conversion

      Number of leads attracted: orders, applications, calls from the website, registrations, etc.Co-operation with payment for leads is possible only when the contractor can fully track all stages of interaction with the client.Number of hours worked

      For whom it is suitable

      For those projects where attracting targeted traffic is more important than getting into TOP-10 on the selected list of queries:

      For small commercial projects

      Internet shops with a small assortment of goods (from 50 products)

      Websites with a small number of services

      For those projects where attracting targeted traffic is more important than getting into TOP-10 on the selected list of queries✓ Aggregators✓ Marketplaces✓ Information / news portals

      O nline shops with a wide assortment (from 10,000 products)

      Websites with a large number of services

      If you have doubts that the current contractor has achieved the results you expected

      All projects that want a ‘one-stop-shop’ service, where all digital processes are managed by your account manager.Internet shops with a wide range of goods for which there is a good demand✓ Companies in the banking and financial sector: microfinance organisations, Forex brokers, pawnshops✓ Consulting companies with package services with fixed-price tours and air ticketsProjects where the product range changes frequently and classic schemes are not always suitable✓ You want to test the quality of our work and do not want to pay a lot at once.

      For whom NOT suitable:

      For projects:

      large commercial,



      information / news portals

      o nline shops with a wide assortment (from 10,000 products)

      s ites with a large number of types of services

      For projects that:

      ✗ are orientedto a narrow b2b segment (for example, highly specialised legal services, rare or very expensive types of services with limited demand)

      s elling goods with limited demand (equipment for restaurants, beauty parlours, shops and simply very expensive and rare goods).

      s elling wholesale

      For some reason you can not open commercial information and economic indicators (under strict NDA)

      Admission to the management of processes within the company, if they affect the achievement of KPIs, for example: optimisation of call centre and sales department performance

      In these cases it is better to pay attention to other formats of cooperation, for example, with payment for work performed, attracted traffic.

      For projects:

      with a small assortment

      with very expensive and rare goods

      where products have a small search demand

      lendings and one-pages

      any low quality sites

      b2b services with “long” sales

      for some reason you cannot provide full internal reporting on the effectiveness of your marketing channels.

      In these cases it is better to pay attention to other formats of co-operation, for example, with payment for work performed, attracted traffic

      For those who are looking for a complex solution of promotion tasks.

      In this case, pay attention to the “Presidential” tariff

      What is the emphasis

      Increasing targeted traffic from search engines

      S pecial emphasis on attracting traffic on informational queries

      Emphasising the main advantages of the product, what tasks it solves for the user

      Increasing targeted traffic from search engines✭ We work out and constantly expand the semantic core✭ Emphasis is placed on locomotive products, i.e., those that are prioritised within the business modelComprehensive work on the solution of your task✭ Definition of KPI✭ Determination of channels to achieve the indicators✭ Building a step-by-step strategy and tracking its implementation Increasing targeted traffic from search engines. We work out and constantly expand the semantic kernel✭ Work with behavioural factors✭ Analysis of the sales funnel, answering the question “At what stages of the funnel are clients “lost”?”.Control of specialist ‘s working time✭ Quality of work done for the time worked

      Advantages of the tariff

      Constant work with semantic kernel, emphasis on info queries

      Constant work with content, updating existing content and adding new content

      In case of business scaling or increase in the number of projects, quick change of tariff to a more suitable one under new conditions

      Constant updating of the semantic core, promotion is carried out on a huge number of different competitive queries✭ Full coverage of the niche✭ Payment only for the target visitor✭ Transparent KPIs taking into account the specifics of your project.

      S ince the cost of our work is linked to the attracted traffic, our specialists are always motivated to work on the project.

      Promotion by traffic is much less dependent on changes in search engine algorithms, which means you have a better chance of success, greater potential for attracting traffic to the site and much less risk.

      Closing all commercial tasks in the field of Internet marketing through one contractor✭ We can join the work at any stage of the project and, regardless of the state of affairs, offer effective solutions to the tasks set for the business✭ In this service we act as a highly qualified marketing department, which works on outsourcing and is focused only on the result✭ Cross-cutting analytics on all channels

      Reporting based on clear commercial KPIs

      Extreme honesty and transparency of the method. You don’t pay for texts, optimisation or anything else, you pay only for theresult✭ Speed. Leads are always low-frequency and low-competitive queries, which means that the first results will make themselves known within a month✭ Long-term results are maintained even after the termination of cooperation✭ seo with payment for results Maximum transparent payment scheme only for the number of hours worked by the specialist✭ In case of incorrect time estimation – additional payment is not charged.

      What kind of work will be carried out

      Analysis of competitors in Google search
      Development and implementation of a promotion strategy
      Technical and SEO audits of the site
      Collection and grouping of key queries
      Complete elaboration of the site structure
      Content marketing
      Internal optimisation of pages for search engines
      Work with external ranking factors
      Analysis of behavioural factors
      Checking cross-browser
      Usability audit
      Optimisation for voice search
      Setting up accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

      Implementation of end-to-end analytics on the site
      SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management)
      Setting up and managing PPC advertising. Video and media advertising
      Advertising in Geoservices
      A/B testing
      ✗ Preparation of TOR for the development of lendings
      ✗ Creation of lendings in constructors
      ✗ Creation of creatives for advertising
      ✗ Increasing the effectiveness of the call centre
      ✗ Audit of the sales department
      ✗ Analysis of the target audience
      Fighting against frodom.

      Competitor analysis in Google search
      Development and implementation of a promotion strategy
      Technical and SEO site audits
      Collection and grouping of key queries
      Complete elaboration of the site structure
      Content marketing
      Internal optimisation of pages for search engines
      Work with external ranking factors
      Analysis of behavioural factors
      Checking cross-browsing of the site
      Usability audit of the site
      O ptimisation for voice search
      S etting up accelerated mobile pages (AMP)
      Implementation of end-to-end analytics on the site
      SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management)
      Setting up and managing PPC advertising. Video and media advertising
      Advertising in Geoservices
      A/B testing
      ✗ Preparation of TOR for the development of lendings
      ✗ Creation of lendings in constructors
      ✗ Creation of creatives for advertising
      ✗ Increasing the effectiveness of the call centre
      ✗ Audit of the sales department
      ✗ Analysis of the target audience
      Fighting against frodom.
      Competitor analysis in Google search
      Development and implementation of a promotion strategy
      Technical and SEO site audits
      Collection and grouping of key queries
      Complete elaboration of the site structure
      Content marketing
      Internal optimisation of pages for search engines
      Work with external ranking factors
      Analysis of behavioural factors
      Checking cross-browser functionality of the site
      Usability audit of the site
      O ptimisation for voice search
      S etting up accelerated mobile pages (AMP)
      Implementation of end-to-end analytics on the site
      SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management)
      Setting up and managing PPC advertising. Video and media advertising
      Advertising in Geoservices
      A/B testing
      Preparation of TOR for the development of lendings
      Creating lendings in constructors
      Creating creatives for advertising
      Increasing the efficiency of call-centre work
      Sales department audit
      Target audience analysis
      Fighting the Frood
      Competitor analysis in Google search
      Development and implementation of a promotion strategy
      Technical and SEO site audits
      Collection and grouping of key queries
      Complete elaboration of the site structure
      Content marketing
      Internal optimisation of pages for search engines
      Work with external ranking factors
      Analysis of behavioural factors
      Checking cross-browser functionality of the site
      Usability audit of the site
      O ptimisation for voice search
      S etting up accelerated mobile pages (AMP)
      Implementation of end-to-end analytics on the site
      S ERM (Search Engine Reputation Management)
      Setting up and managing PPC advertising. Video and media advertising
      Advertising in Geoservices
      A/B testing
      Preparation of TOR for the development of lendings
      ✗ Creation of lendings in constructors
      ✗ Creation of creatives for advertising
      ✗ Increasing the effectiveness of the call centre
      ✗ Increasing the efficiency of the call centre ✗ Audit of the sales department
      ✗ Analysis of the target audience
      Fighting against fodder.
      Work only according to the agreed list of tasks

      What reports we will provide

      Report on the work done on the task list / for the agreed period (week, month)
      The results obtained, our suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the project
      Number of visits and visitors (traffic)
      Number of conversions, applications, sales (contracts signed, services performed)
      Efficiency of advertising campaigns, including – cost per application – CPO, cost per lead (sale) – CPL

      Terms of reference for specialised specialists
      Report on placed links
      New reviews of the company on the Internet (on third-party sites, in search engines)
      Testing results
      Created advertising materials
      ✗ Results of the fight against frod
      ✗ Correctness of the website display
      ✗ Report on the work of the sales department and the client’s call-centre
      ✗ Progress of work on connection and operation of end-to-end analytics, data collection
      Report on the posted content on the project

      Report on work done by task list / for a specified period (week, month)
      Results obtained, our suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the project
      Number of visits and visitors (traffic)
      Number of conversions, applications, sales (contracts signed, services performed)
      Efficiency of advertising campaigns, including – cost per application – CPO, cost per lead (sale) – CPL

      Terms of reference for specialised specialists
      Report on placed links
      New reviews of the company on the Internet (on third-party sites, in search engines)
      Testing results
      Created advertising materials
      ✗ Results of the fight against frod
      ✗ Correctness of the website display
      ✗ Report on the work of the sales department and the client’s call-centre
      ✗ Progress of work on connection and operation of end-to-end analytics, data collection
      Report on the posted content on the project
      Report on work done by task list / for a specified period (week, month)
      Results obtained, our suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the project
      Number of visits and visitors (traffic)
      Number of conversions, applications, sales (contracts signed, services performed)
      Effectiveness of advertising campaigns, including – cost per application – CPO, cost per lead (sale) – CPL
      Terms of reference for specialised specialists
      Report on placed links
      New reviews of the company on the Internet (on third-party sites, in search engines)
      Testing results Created advertising materials
      Anti-fraud results
      Site display correctness
      Report on work of the client’s sales department and call-centre
      Progress of work on connection and operation of end-to-end analytics, data collection
      Report on posted content on the project
      Report on work done by task list / for a specified period (week, month)
      Results obtained, our suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the project
      Number of visits and visitors (traffic)
      Number of conversions, applications, sales (contracts signed, services performed)
      Effectiveness of advertising campaigns, including – cost per application – CPO, cost per lead (sale) – CPL
      Terms of reference for specialised specialists
      Report on placed links
      New reviews of the company on the Internet (on third-party sites, in search engines)
      Testing results Created advertising materials
      ✗ Results of anti-fraud
      ✗ Correctness of website display
      ✗ Report on work of sales department and client’s call-centre
      ✗ Progress of work on connection and operation of end-to-end analytics, data collection
      Report on placed content on the project.
      Regular reports on the work done
      (on previously agreed tasks)

      Your gifts


      30 minutes of consultation of SEO specialist

      1 hour of consultation of Senior SEO specialist

      1 hour of consultation of Senior SEO specialist
      2 participation in corporate conferences, where consultation of our specialist is required

      1 hour of consultation of Senior SEO specialist

      2 participation in corporate conferences, where our specialist’s consultation is required

      Your bonus!

      Submit an application and get a FREE test period of work on your project
      for 3 days!
      Labour costs (number of working hours per month)Up to 30 hours per month
      (7.5 hours per week)

      View Contract
      Request a work plan
      Up to 60 hours per month
      hours perday)
      View contract
      Request a work plan
      Up to 80 hours per month
      (4 hours per day)

      View contract
      Request a work plan
      Up to 40 hours per month
      (2 hours
      per day)
      Request a work plan
      By agreement
      View Contract
      Request a work plan

      Can’t decide on a tariff?

      Fill in the form and our managers will advise you today.

        Prices are lower because:

        We are NOT renting an office building
        in the centre of the capital
        We have NO corporate events with
        famous celebrities.
        Our employees receive their salaries
        in national currency
        Musk does NOT work on our PCs.
        We do NOT organise free conferences
        and training courses

        How are we better than others?

        We use specially developed software products

        Promotion in search engines – a profitable backdrop for the future, because contextual advertising constantly requires an injection of budget and often this budget is actively growing due to high competition in the subject matter.

        Conducting A / B tests

        We do not follow a template, we are focused on fulfilment of your KPIs!

        No conveyor

        We communicate with clients in understandable language, explain complex professional terms in simple words.Wealways discuss in detail the client’s goals and aspirations, forecast profitability for the best and most efficient setting up of channels to generate revenue

        Easy to get started

        Integrationwith client’s CRM allows us to fully take into account conversions and revenue, including offline indicators, and use them to further improve the KPI of the site.

        High-tech agency

        All our clients pay off the cost of promotion in 4-5 months on average.

        We have successfully launched and run more than 500 projects

        We remember all our customers. We remember the problems and how we solved them. We work efficiently and without speed. That is why we can guarantee a high level of service and ensure a long term partnership

        KPI-oriented approach to promotion

        Testing of landing pages of the site, analysis of successful results

        We save you money on your investments.

        That’s the solution:

        Job Studio

        from 12,000 hryvnia

        Maximum discernment

        Detailed monthly reporting

        Optimal price of services

        Maximum speed of work due to luggage flow

        Vinyatkov Expertise due to projects of different levels of complexity and availability of our own Internet laboratory.

        Maximum QCD due to 8 university professionals working on your project.

        Financial guarantees of the result, supported by a legal contract

        Absence of risks, because we have been working for more than 6 years. Our reputation – the best guarantee of the future of the undogannogo result.

        Good solution

        Full-time employee

        from UAH 25,000
        If you have decided to hire a full-time employee:

        Pros of the decision:


        You will be able to keep track of how many hours a day the employee works.

        Minuses of the solution:

        Utility costs

        Costs for setting up a workplace (computer, desk and chair, other work necessities). Monthly costs for the care of the employee (payment for rented space, electricity, telephone, internet, other costs).

        Vuzky fahivets

        Hiring a separate specialist, you lose in efficiency and effectiveness, because all kinds of works have to be performed by one and the same worker. At the same time, he cannot be a good professional in all areas at once

        Uninterrupted work

        Work stoppage in case of sickness of the employee. Work stoppage for the period of leave. Work stoppage in case of employee’s failure to work for any other reasons.

        Collective resolution of emerging issues and problems

        Such a worker must solve problems and issues that arise on his/her own


        from UAH 30,000
        If you have decided to hire a freelancer:

        Pros of the solution:


        Cheap at first glance

        Pros of the solution:

        High risks

        Freelancer at some point may not be able to get in touch with you or stop working on the project without informing you. In this case, you risk not only losing the finances invested in him, but also getting a summarised result or being left on your own with unfinished work.

        Absence of transparent statements

        Most often you receive a monthly report, which contains a 1-2 page document with general indicators, for which it is impossible to see the real picture of the work carried out on the site, as well as to understand the situation with its optimisation.

        Absence of a clear work plan

        Absence of a contract

        At any moment a freelancer can stop fulfilling the previously agreed terms and conditions, as only 4% of freelancers are willing to conclude an official contract with the actual publication of the terms and conditions of work.

        Intrigued? But that’s not all! Your gifts are waiting for you!

        Up to -20% for trust

        If you pay at once 3, 6, 12 months of work on the promotion of the site, we give you a discount of 10, 15 and 20% accordingly

        -2000 UAH for speed

        When signing the contract and payment within 1 month after the presentation of commercial proposal within 2 months of work we give you a discount -2000 UAH for the first month of work

        -10% for diligence

        It is not easy to decide to change the contractor. We know this, so we >give customers who have moved from other contractors, a total discount

        up to -30% for scale

        When ordering 2 different services – a15% discount,
        3x different services – 25% discount,
        when ordering a set of 4 services (SEO, SMM, contextual advertising, site support) – 30% discount.

        More customers

        I am starting to develop a website or start a new business – I need an information Internet platform and advertising.

        I want to increase the visibility of the project on the Internet

        I want to promote and develop the site faster and more efficiently, I need a good service of site promotion.

        My company is growing and no order in the work on Internet projects. Every new webmaster and SEO-fahivetsya SEO-fahivetsya do not know what was done earlier

        Really need new customers

        Theold site does not sell ( few visitors, text is not overconsistent, constant failures).

        I want to reduce the cost of SEO, website maintenance and SEO agency services.

        There is no time to control the work and promotion of the site. I often forget to renew the hosting, domain or placate the promotion before the holiday. The website is not regularly updated and not reviewed

        I want to NABAGATO increase the profitability of their business

        Every second you put off talking to us,
        you’re wasting your company’s money.

        Get a plan for the development
        your site!

        Clarify on the phone meta
        and tasks of the site

        Discuss the project
        Вот строки в коде, переведенные на английский язык:“`html

        Want to try Swiss-quality SEO services from JobStudio?

        The main thing in SEO promotion is time

        We value the client’s time, so we know how to work in tight deadlines, optimize processes, and work as one single “clockwork”!

        Head of SEO Department SignKissa Irina

        Reliable with us!

        Certified specialists Ensure the security of your data! Completion of tasks within the agreed time Tasks never get lost – triple control level

        Easy start in 4 steps!

        • Signing the contract
        • Approval of the work plan
        • Discussion of results

        Convenient with us!

        • Access to reports from any device
        • Client-friendly manager
        • We communicate in “understandable” language
        • Work never stops, even if you are on vacation

        Honest relationships!

        • Positions are collected by an independent system
        • At least 5 hours a day on your project
        • We do not subcontract your projects
        • Only “white” methods

        Effective with us!

        • Business grows
        • Income increases
        • Brand awareness increases
        • Reduction in application cost

        We are flexible!

        • In tough times, you can reduce the budget
        • We are ready to grow with your project
        • We achieve synergy with teams that support the project

        Profitable with us!

        • No agency commissions
        • Payment for completed work
        • We provide bonuses to the client
        • Twice as many effective work hours as competitors
        “`Весь текст внутри тегов переведен на английский язык.

        How do we achieve results?

        In order to achieve a high result, we study the product in detail

        • What problems does it solve?
        • What emotion does it give?
        • Why is it important?

        Whois your customer? What is important to him? What are his selection criteria?

        • How to make your customer happy?
        • What is important to him in the product?
        • What is important from the point of view of service?
        • How to attract and attract the customer?

        Analyse his behaviour in the network:Where is he located? What does he like? How to create points of contact?

        • How to bring satisfaction to the client?
        • What is important to him in the product?
        • What is important from the point of view of service?
        • How to fascinate and attract the customer?

        We create scenarios to implement efficient sales

        We spell out by the minute how and when to contact the customer. We create cause-and-effect links.

        What products can he buy before buying the main product? Which products can be offered to him afterwards? Which products can solve his problems?

        To form consumer arrowForm an expert opinion and increase confidence in the company.

        During the period of existence of the problem arrowIncrease the “personal service“.

        After the problem has been solved arrowWe work to increase the demand.

        And as a result, we will create
        the effect of mass presence!

        Customers will easily find you on the Internet!

        We connect different channels of Internet advertising.
        Increase the number of maidaniki for the meeting with customers.

        There is no demand

        • Create popit

        Banner advertising, RTB

        Targeted advertising

        Video advertising

        Retention – Vibudovuvannya long term relationships

        • Forming scenarios of repeat sales

        E-mail marketing

        Content marketing

        There is a problem. Search for a solution

        • Evaluate existing content

        SEO promotion

        SMM promotion

        Contextual advertising

        Comparison, search for an expert. Vibir kompaniya. Buying

        • Build trust to the brand

        Retargeting, remarketing

        Reputation management

        You will be recognised. You will be trusted

        Reduce the cost of customer acquisition

        Ready to get a website that sells / advertising / branding?

        • Predictive

        • Systematic

        • Stable


        over the Internet

        Nalashtovyem report from the first clique to the brought profit and the first sales

        Efficiency and profitability of each advertising channel

        Indetail, we report economic and marketing indicators: market penetration, number of impressions, likes, reposts, price per click, application, customer, repeat customer, turnover, profit

        Effectiveness of the site and sales department

        We collect data from CRM for the number of sales and evaluate the real effectiveness of the site.

        Prozora analytics and planning

        Clearly test marketing tools and hypotheses, minimising risks through insightful planning.

        Feedback from our customers

        лого светлов
        Period of work: from 10.2020 to 02.2022 (1 year 4 months.)We have evaluated such achievements during the hour of joint work: – after rebranding successfully moved our site to a new domain; – significant increase in the number of orders from the channel search systems, in some months more than 50%; – increased traffic and orders from advertising channels; – increased number of customers in the wholesale shop; – increased brand awareness. It is especially valuable, as the work on the projects was outsourced. Regardless of this format of cooperation, the approach to work was with full boring in all business processes!
        I.V. Silchenko
        General Director of Art-Karat Ltd.
        Period of work: from 10.2016 to 06.2019 (2 years 9 ms.)The company TOV Microcredit Company “Centrofinance Group” expresses its gratitude to Kissa Irina for professional support in promoting our project in Google search engines. During the time of working on our project we have come to realise that working with Irina brings significant results! From my side, I can recommend you to trust Kissa I.V.. I can recommend to trust Kissa I.V. as a highly qualified Internet marketer, who knows all the peculiarities and stages of promotion, who is able to control all the stages of this work and react to changes in the algorithms of search systems.
        Ilya Ilyin
        Deputy General Director
        Period of work: from 02.2020 to 02.2022 (2 years)Kissa Irina Volodimirivna worked with our company on the position of Fakhivtsy of contextual advertising in Google Ads. It can be said that Irina not only performed the tasks of setting up, placement and optimisation of advertising campaigns, she fully managed all our projects (5 projects), acted as a single marketer for a long time, fully responsible for the results of traffic and applications to the site.
        Sergey Oleksandrovych Il’inov
        General Director
        Period of work: from 12.2016 to 02.2019 (2 years 3 ms.)The company “IT-Grad 1 Cloud” expresses its gratitude to Kissa Irina for professional support in promoting our project in Google search engines.
        Sergiy Belkin
        Marketing Director
        Period of work: from 01.2016 to 08.2021 (5 years 8 ms.)We are pleased to recommend Kiss Irina Volodimirivna as a professional SEO Senior, who worked at “Vladis” for the contract of services. During the hour of her work at the company she fulfilled her duties to a high level. Irina was engaged in promotion of our main site of the Agency of Non-Real Estate.
        Real Estate Agency
        Period of work: from 09.2016 to 10.2018 (2 years 1 month.)Just to tell about yourself in a competitive environment is not enough, it is necessary to deliver to each potential customer such a message, which would serve as an incentive to our service to be accepted and sign a contract. Kissa Irina is very sensitive to all the most relevant trends and tendencies in the field of promotion, knows how to “catch” the client and “fix” in his knowledge, for which we pay tribute to her.
        Ivanenkov D.V.
        Period of work: from 08.2014 to 03.2016 (1 year 8 months.) The company Hypostroy expresses its gratitude to Kissa Irina for prompt and efficient work on optimisation and seo promotion of our website for the sale of building materials The company has been working with Kissa Irina since September 2014. Thanks to this work we managed to achieve an increase in traffic by more than 50%, which could not but please us!
        D.V. Milyukhin
        General Director

        Question – Answer

        • How long can I see a real result from SEO promotion?
          Search engine promotion is a slow process that includes a large number of factors. It all depends on the age, current position, focus and size of your site, as well as whether any search filters are applied to it. But we can definitely say that if you take up SEO promotion right after the development of the site, the first results in the form of traffic can be seen only after a few months. It all depends on your keyword and the competition for it. Before starting work, we analyze key queries, dividing them into 3 categories. Low-frequency - the release period for such requests is from 1 to 3 months. (Suppose one such request brings up to 10 clicks per month) Medium-frequency - the release period for such requests is from 2 to 6 months. (By analogy, let's say that one such request brings up to 100 clicks per month) High-frequency - the release period for such requests is from 5 months. (Let's say one such request can bring about 1000 clicks). Conclusion: the more competitive the niche, the more time. But you should not be intimidated by such terms, because the main thing is to remember that seo promotion is a long-term work and once an optimized site can occupy top positions for years.
        • What are the guarantees to get into the TOP?
          No one can guarantee the first place in the search results, these are the official statements of the search engines. We can guarantee that we will do our job in good faith, using all the knowledge and experience accumulated over the years, as well as the recommendations of search engines and white methods of website promotion.
        • Why has traffic dropped on my site? It is well optimized, no search filters have been applied to it.
          Before that, you could have had an active advertising campaign that brought traffic to the site, or it is still running, but this month the budgets were reduced. In the case of search traffic, everything can be explained by the seasonality of queries in your niche, so the drop in traffic is not surprising. You can check the seasonality of traffic on the site.
        • What work is done to promote the site?
          Initially, the semantic core is assembled, changes are proposed to change the structure (optional). Further, the meta tags on the site are optimized and uniqueized, informative high-quality texts are written. At the same time, site errors are eliminated, if necessary, redirects from old or broken pages to normal ones are configured. A usability audit is also carried out and, based on it, edits are made to the site and / or new functions are added. And this is only a small part of what we do.
        • How will I control the promotion of my website?
          Weekly, again ... weekly 🙂 we provide our clients with a full progress report, which indicates all the activities carried out with the site, spent funds and recommendations for promotion. Traffic dynamics and the position of key queries in Google search are shown twice a month. We create a Skype chat with you and the staff working on your project, so you will be aware of all the work online.
        • Can you organize the promotion of any site?
          Yes, any, but the timing will differ depending on the competition in your niche.
        • How much does your service cost?
          We can name the cost of Internet marketing services after communicating with you, based on your goals and scope of work. We have unique conditions for promotion in search engines, as well as for the service of setting up and maintaining contextual and targeted advertising.
        • How to start cooperation with you?
          Let us know about yourself in any way convenient for you: Leave your request on the site Write to us by mail: [email protected] Call us: +371 67 88 54 24 or +38 095 747 01 44. We will contact you, discuss the goals, direction of your business, cost of work, send a contract.
        • How can I find out what is being done on my site by your specialists. Can I influence the process myself?
          All work on the site is preliminarily agreed with you. Every week we send you a progress report, as well as a work plan for the next week. At this stage, you can adjust the changes that are planned. Also, within a month, you receive information about the work on the site in real time through the general skype chat.

        Didn’t find an answer to your question? Ask it by filling out the form.

        Ask a question

        You have done it, you burned to the end!

        Take a 17% discount when filling out the form!

          • 1%

            for patience and patience

          • 1%

            for the desire to get to know us closer!

          • 2%

            for not being too tired to scroll!

          • 3%

            for scrupulously studying information.

          • 3%

            for giving us your time.

          • 3%

            to sink your disbelief 🙂

          • 4%

            for remembering this block and daring to
            to start cooperation!



          Website promotion in Google search engines

          SEO site promotion in search engines (search engine optimisation) – a list of works, which are carried out all over the resource and beyond its boundaries, to increase visibility in search engine visibility. For each Internet resource subitem list of expensive can vary greatly, as it depends on the type of site, the niche in which it operates, its scale, the quality of the primary optimisation and a lot of other factors. That’s another important warehouse before the start of work on prosuvannya web site – SEO analysis, I will allow to formulate an individualnyi list of tasks on its optimisation.

          The effectiveness of SEO optimisation of the site depends not only on the fact, how much it responds to the recommendations of search engines. Also important is the usability and benevolence of the site for the target user. To domogtis kakisnogo result, require a comprehensive approach, which will take into account all the factors that affect the effectiveness of the resource:

          SEO promotion sites in search engines (search engine optimisation) – a list of works, Iakі conduct all over the resource and beyond its boundaries to increase the visibility in search engine visibility. For each Internet resource subitem list of expensive can vary greatly, as it depends on the type of site, the niche in which it operates, its scale, the quality of the primary optimisation and a lot of other factors. That’s another important warehouse before the start of work on prosuvannya web site – SEO analysis, I will allow to formulate an individualnyi list of tasks on its optimisation.

          The effectiveness of SEO optimisation of the site depends not only on the fact, how much it responds to the recommendations of search engines. Also important is the usability and benevolence of the site for the target user. To achieve a good result, you need a comprehensive approach, which will take into account all the factors that affect the effectiveness of the resource.

          Book a call
          Order a proposal